I’m finally going to take the plunge…

…into the deep, dark pool of book submitters! 

Although I’ve been tinkering on several novels for the past three years (that’s how long I’ve been writing with the intention of publishing one day), I haven’t gotten to the point of submitting any of them to publishers yet. Novels are much like monsters that need to be trained before you let them into society. (And yes, feel free to quote me on that one, haha). And that’s after they’re fully hatched and matured, which may take a loooong time.

Lately, however, I’ve been working on some board/picture books for young children. Writing this type of book certainly brings with it its own challenges, but – in my limited experience – there is one major advantage to the picture book format:

It’s SHORT. And therefore, for me at least, more manageable=less overwhelming (sense a theme in my posts yet??).

Unfortunately – and perhaps due to the reason above – board/picture book competition is fierce. Rejection is to be expected.

I. Don’t. Care. 

No, that’s not true, I do. A lot, actually. But I’m not going to let the fear of failing stop me this time, no I won’t. As soon as I’ve tightened two of the stories I’ve been working on (*cross your fingers for this week*), I’m going to send them off like birds send off their young from the nest. 

Let’s just hope my babies don’t all crash to the ground and break their necks. Not after I spend all that money on postage.

Remember, Angelica: one acceptance letter is all that’s needed!

While I wait for replies (which can take up to six months or more!!), I’m preparing a “rejection file” to comfortably house all the rejection slips that will be raining in by way of my mailbox. At least I’ll have something tangible to show for my blood, sweat, and tears, right?

Wish me luck and let’s hope I don’t drown in that murky submitter pool!