Archives for March 2014

Picture Writing Prompt – Coin Binoculars


For ideas on how to use this picture to fuel your writing, read my blog post on Five Ways to Use Picture Writing Prompts.

First Draftiness!


It’s official: 

I am done with the first draft of my new novel! Actually, I wrapped it up a few days ago, but I’m a little slow on the announcement…

Still, the book is uploaded to an electronic device, eagerly waiting for my husband to read and comment on it. After he finishes, I will make a bunch of changes. At some point, several beta readers will sink their teeth into the second or third draft. And then, more revisions based on their feedback…and then some more revisions. And even more…

Ugh. I already feel an ulcer coming on. Maybe I should just scrap this novel before it kills me?

OR – maybe I should celebrate the fact that I just wrote a book!? (As I’ve mentioned before, celebrating my progress is something I need to work on)

How about some stats?

-Title: White Scorpion
-Genre: Young Adult Futuristic Fantasy (that’s the genre I came up with, anyway – if anybody thinks of a more fitting one, let me know!)
-Word Count: 93,500, which translates to about 350 (double spaced) pages (a bit on the long side for a YA novel).
-Written over a period of two months – 41 days of actual writing. Much of the writing occurred between 5 and 8:30am.
-Still needs quite a bit of work! =(

Now to the best part: the pitch! Actually, the pitch probably needs work, too. And honestly, I really hope the best part isn’t the pitch, but the actual book! But most of you won’t get to read the book for quite some time, so…this is really all I have for you. Sorry. Still, I hope it makes you excited to read the novel at some point!


Mount Vesuvius has already buried Pompeii twice: once in 79AD, the other in 2179AD. Now – hundreds of years after the last major eruption – the volcano is brewing again, and Pompeii’s future depends on one young woman’s ability to keep her sister alive.

Seventeen-year-old Alia’s knack for cost-benefit analysis is the only thing that’s kept her twin sister Ima alive for this long. Ima’s hypersensitivity to human touch and her own emotions may kill her at any time, and managing Ima’s condition is imperative: as the Promised One, Ima can save Pompeii from Mount Vesuvius only after she turns eighteen. And Alia will do whatever’s necessary to get Ima to their shared birthday – even if it means living with the guilt of drugging Ima and locking her away from the world.

Just as Alia finds a solution to her problems in Yasu, a young man whose supernatural ability to calm others makes Alia eager to hire him as Ima’s tutor, the volcano threatens to erupt before the twins’ birthday. As droves of Pompeians leave for the Outer Realm, the very place the founders erected a protective force shield against 170 years ago, Alia wonders if her Papa, the Caesar, is right: maybe an uncertain future in a presumably hostile land is better than no future at all? If Alia only knew what Yasu knew…

Then again, if she did, she would never have hired him as Ima’s tutor.


Picture Writing Prompt – Spiderweb


For ideas on how to use this picture to fuel your writing, read my blog post on Five Ways to Use Picture Writing Prompts.

Picture Writing Prompt – Parachuter


For ideas on how to use this picture to fuel your writing, read my blog post on Five Ways to Use Picture Writing Prompts.

Picture Writing Prompt – Bench


For ideas on how to use this picture to fuel your writing, read my blog post on Five Ways to Use Picture Writing Prompts.